“All the women who raised me, they all have a story that shaped me and made me the woman I am today.”
Hey Bouchra, can you share a few words about yourself?
Moroccan-born, I grew up between Casablanca and Paris before relocating to the US for graduate school to attend the Finance program at Princeton University. I moved to New York to join Goldman Sachs as a derivatives trader and co-founded AUrate New York in 2015. I left GS to focus on AUrate full time in March 2017. I have 9 siblings, love traveling, cooking and riding horses when I go back home.
Can you tell us something original about yourself?
I was a little trouble maker when I was a child. You wouldn’t guess this.. but I got kicked out of school more than once and used to love Go-Kart racing after class.
What did 2018 mean for you and AUrate?
It was my 2nd year full time at my own company. We saw incredible growth, built an amazing team and culture. 2018 went by fast but set the building blocks of what we want AUrate to become: a real brand made by women for women on its way to shake things up in the fine jewelry market.
What's the most rewarding part of your job? The most challenging?
The best part is watching it going from 0 to 1 to N and working with a team that believes in the mission of what you’re building together. The biggest challenge is to be patient even if you think you’re giving it your all every single day! I’m still working on that part.
What women have influenced/inspired you most in your life?
All the women who raised me, my mother and both grandmothers. They all have a story that shaped me and made me the woman I am today. They didn’t have the opportunity to get advanced college degrees, leave the country nor the choice to work and be independent but they are and were the strongest women I know. They enjoyed watching my rebellious side and taught me compassion and to not take no for an answer.
We dedicated our Aura Edition to Bouchra and to all women who need a little luck.