Alexa von Tobel is the founder and managing partner of Inspired Capital, New York Times - bestselling author of Financially Fearless and Financially Forward, and host of Inc.'s The Founders Project podcast.
Prior to Inspired Capital, Alexa founded LearnVest in 2008 with the goal of helping people make progress on their money. After raising nearly $75 million in venture capital, LearnVest was acquired by Northwestern Mutual in May 2015 in one of the biggest fintech acquisitions of the decade.
When Alexa was asked her universal word of advice for women this Women's Equality Day, she said "Dream bigger, because no one else is going to do it for you."
"I say dream bigger because I encourage you to set your sights on the biggest possible dream. It's OK if you don't get all the way there. But if you push yourself toward a massive goal, I'm confident you'll go pretty far. In life, I always use the filter of 90-year-old Alexa. When I look back and think about my life, what will I regret not having done? Whatever the answer is for you, be bold and go after it."
Follow Alexa von Tobel on Instagram here.