In preschool our favorite “subject” (aside from nap time) was storytelling. We could spend hours listening to the lulling over-exaggerated ramblings of our teachers. Years later, we still admire those who are able to tell a lengthy story with a pithy punchline on command. This, along with many other reasons, is why we were so excited to chat with Rachel Schwartzmann, the founder and CEO of The Style Line, a boutique content company in NYC.
Rachel is incapable of one word answers, which at first sounds like a conference call nightmare, but in actuality took us back to the days of being slowly lured into our preschool story time haze. Fittingly, The Style Line focuses on bringing meaning to the world of style through, you guessed it, storytelling.
The irony of Rachel, however, is that she focuses more on listening. She’s a self-professed introvert, and while we fully support listening as a sport, we couldn’t help but selfishly want to hear more from her.
Name: Rachel Schwartzmann
Title: Founder and CEO of The Style Line
Title you would give yourself? Instead of "give" I would like to share the title I "should" give myself, and in that case, it's Founder and CEO aka Chief
What did you want to be growing up? The exact professions changed throughout my childhood, but the continuous thread always involved writing and creative storytelling. I am so fortunate to have been able to flex this muscle in tandem with building a business that's rooted in building strong narratives — both online and offline.
What do you still want to be when you grow up? I still want to pursue more literary writing and further refine my own voice as a writer in other contexts aside from my company’s work in branded storytelling. We’ll see — I believe that all of our dreams have a way of coming true in the most unexpected settings.
What gets you out of bed in the morning? Knowing that it is such a privilege to run and grow a small business in the most competitive city in the world. And my bunny, Pepper (@pepperthebrooklynbun).
What gets you into bed at night? ...The exhaustion of running and growing a small business in the most competitive city in the world!
Where is your favorite place? I grew up in New York City, so by default, it will always have a special place in my heart. Other than that, New Mexico has become a second home with my father and grandmother living there. It's truly unlike any other place I've ever visited or known.
What makes you laugh? My dear friends, and a good meme.
What’s on your bucket list? A couple of things include visiting at least one new city, state, or country every year, as well as writing and publishing a book.
What is your favorite book? I can’t possibly name just one favorite! I love Elena Ferrante's Neapolitan Novel series, Stephanie Danler's Sweetbitter, John Hunt's The Art of the Idea, and can't wait to dig into Sloane Crosley's essays.
Favorite piece of art? Anything from my incredible grandmother Sharon Schwartzmann. Follow her on Instagram @sharonschwartzmann, and you'll see why for yourself.
How do you stay motivated? Perspective. I look at the state of the world today and my place in it. When things feel difficult or out of reach, I'm reminded of how incredibly fortunate I am to be doing what I'm doing and the importance of continuing to see my business (and myself) through to reach the fullest potential.
What does giving back mean to you? Storytelling is the best way I know how to give back. Amplifying the work and stories of those who are making and doing incredible things is so essential to building deeper connection and community — especially in a social-obsessed landscape!
Who is someone you admire or look up to and why? I look up to the women in The Style Line's community — from interviewees to clients to collaborators and friends. They all are carving out paths for themselves to do what they love, build conscious businesses, and leave an imprint in the world.
What's the best advice you've received? "The world is full of yes." These words were passed down from my dear old dad, who is a constant source of strength and inspiration.
What does balance mean to you? Balance is hard to achieve in our modern world, but in the rare moments where I feel like I have it, I equate it with feeling at peace.
How are you a rule-breaker? I left college at 20 to begin building my business. I'm an unapologetically soft-spoken and introverted person. I believe that listening is just as essential as speaking in a time that always begs for more content, more posts, more of everything. So, I don't know if I am a "rule-breaker" per se, but I am one of the many women today who is working on challenging the preconceived notions about what any sort of founder or leader is supposed to be.
What's your favorite AUrate piece? It's so hard to choose! My top choices in each category would be: